the game has some bugs: crashes when i spawn a dummy with N, crashes when a wave starts, no bleeding. i tried the version on the gamejolt website and it fixed almost everything but theres still no bleeding, the zombie ai dont work. and it wont let me spawn dummys using N EDIT: (idk if this new version nerfed the ragdolls but my ragdolls dont stumble much they just flop stiffly)
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is the file named windows.7 cuz idk if i am downloading windows 7
everytime i try to go into a map it says this
Fatal error: [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\RenderCore\Private\ShaderResource.cpp] [Line: 614]
FShaderMapResource_InlineCode::InitRHI got platform PCD3D_SM6 but it is not compatible with PCD3D_SM5
0x00007ff63d9279da EuphoriaVice.exe!FShaderMapResource_InlineCode::CreateRHIShaderOrCrash() []
0x00007ff63d92838c EuphoriaVice.exe!FShaderMapResource::CreateShaderOrCrash() []
0x00007ff6413c5a6b EuphoriaVice.exe!FNiagaraShaderScript::UpdateCachedData_PostCompile() []
0x00007ff6413c078e EuphoriaVice.exe!FNiagaraShaderScript::SerializeShaderMap() []
0x00007ff641b1be07 EuphoriaVice.exe!UNiagaraScript::SerializeNiagaraShaderMaps() []
0x00007ff639c73c03 EuphoriaVice.exe!FAsyncPackage::EventDrivenSerializeExport() []
0x00007ff639c90e64 EuphoriaVice.exe!FAsyncPackage::ProcessImportsAndExports_Event() []
0x00007ff639c75a87 EuphoriaVice.exe!FAsyncPackage::Event_ProcessImportsAndExports() []
0x00007ff639c575b4 EuphoriaVice.exe!`FAsyncLoadingThread::ContainsAnyRequestInternal'::`2'::<lambda_1>::operator()() []
0x00007ff639c8f07c EuphoriaVice.exe!FAsyncLoadingThread::ProcessAsyncLoading() []
0x00007ff639ca87f8 EuphoriaVice.exe!FAsyncLoadingThread::TickAsyncThread() []
0x00007ff639c9f990 EuphoriaVice.exe!FAsyncLoadingThread::Run() []
0x00007ff63995eb62 EuphoriaVice.exe!FRunnableThreadWin::Run() []
0x00007ff6399525b7 EuphoriaVice.exe!FRunnableThreadWin::GuardedRun() []
0x00007ffbe1de259d KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction []
Crash in runnable thread FAsyncLoadingThread
Your computer doesnt appear to have the specs for directx 12.
the game has some bugs: crashes when i spawn a dummy with N, crashes when a wave starts, no bleeding. i tried the version on the gamejolt website and it fixed almost everything but theres still no bleeding, the zombie ai dont work. and it wont let me spawn dummys using N EDIT: (idk if this new version nerfed the ragdolls but my ragdolls dont stumble much they just flop stiffly)
better than hyperbox.
Excellent project! The physics are good and the Euphoria system is really great. Good work guys! ;)
No pause menu??
use your eyes, it says its pre alpha like 4 times
good but it takes 5 hours to start the game
just get a better computer lmao
i have a gaming pc???
its pretty hard to start up the game i dont know about you